Our pictures taken at Shinjuku & Shibuya today:
Tokyo is sooo hot it’s not even funny! I dunch like it!
Elaynne and Maylene all hugging our Pocari Sweat like cactus in the desert wtf.
Wanted to say “coolest house” in Shinjuku but given the weather condition i’ll stick to “hottest house”.
Marine hat and Topshop playsuit both from minimaos
Maylene addicted to the auto vending machine lol.
With Hachiko!!!!!!!
And this is what we’re doing right now. All workaholic wtf.
Which is why you are reading this nao. Faster say thanks.
No internet no life.>.<
Also Japanese internet damn fast max!!!!!!
What about Malaysia?
And now, good news.

Nao everyone can get on the Internet anywhere, anytime with broadband from as low as RM48/month.
Got anooooot. Betul ka? Yao mou gao chor? Majikayo???
Nao, why join Celcom? (Apart from the fact that it is the No.1 mobile broadband)
- Great speed and consistency with the widest broadband coverage
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- (LAST BUT MOST IMPORTANT POINT!!!!) RM500 tax relief with Celcom Broadband
Walao. How come i dunno one.
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Just visit any Celcom branch, blue cube outlet or participating dealer nationwide to subscribe today!
I am gonna change my plan to 5GB! 😀
Shit! I got too many broadband! T_T
yea but the best one is of course the cheap and good one! 😀
have u found koyuki? sorry t ask like this.. no offence..
did you not read REGRET ? go read 😐
Hi! I’m new to your blog and I just want to say that you are so beautiful! I love your style! I have always wanted to go to Japan! But tickets over here in America are so expensive. 🙁
🙂 thank you
Tanoshinde ne! <3
un! 😀 😀 😀
Hachiko~ <3 make sure to use lotsa sunblock to proteck ur selves. And whoa, so many ads from telco company, cheesie connecting them to the ppl lols…
yea, no telco no life!!!!!!
SHOW MY FLAG™!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe you need to sign in some where else 😛
what’s this tax relief? is it tax deduction?…anyway :blush: i am not a taxpayer hehehe
ops too bad i’m in SG cannot use celcom XD
Dropped by from
ok.. Celcom is already create 98 damages monthly to me..
Hi cheesie, i have been reading your blog and i find it really interesting!
I’m in a contest so please help me to vote over here:
It’s just a little click! just click the 5 stars at the right hand corner next to the picture Please help me to spread to as many friends of yours as possible !!
Thank you very much!
Cheesie! Have you found Koyuki? 🙁
Wa I love your outfit! The red hat really suits the outfit. You photoshopped your nose too perfect haha XD Try to go easy on it
Cheesie, how do you clip/ tie the big ribbon bandanna on your head? How to ensure it will stay there?
cheesie ,, dropped by (; the marine suits u wearing isit size 8? does it fits? i thought of buying. jus worried will be loose.
yeap it is 8 🙂
thanks yea ((; you’re lovely <3
Hi Chessie,
You should check out the Maxis 1, I found the speed is good, at least i saw something 7.2mbps.. and RM48 for 1.5GB quota with free modem.. btw,you are attractive, nice to meet you 🙂
Totally agree! No internet really have no life.