The objective of this blog entry is to ruin Switzerland’s tourism.

People have to be insanely rich to travel to Zurich. Or just insane. I mean, it is already stated  in the name of the city itself. Take a hint.


This was our breakfast at a very very ordinary cafeteria inside a shopping mall just nao.

We didn’t look at the price and ordered a plate of salad and some pasta, an espresso for the Italian and OJ for me.

And when we paid it was a major FOL moment. I  successfully stopped myself from strangling the cashier. Or grabbing my food and run away. Then i also had to bandage my heart so it didn’t bleed to death wtf.

Anyway, our breakfast cost 49 Swiss Franc.

That is RM160.

I can eat Kobe beef back in KL. We really didn’t know how it came up to that, i tried to take a picture of the receipt as proof but i couldn’t find it.


Did a quick research,  most of the recent survey still says Tokyo is the most expensive city in the world. According to one of the sources in 2010, 4 out of the 10 Most Expensive Cities in the World are from Japan (Tokyo, Nagoya, Yokohama, Kobe) wtf??? And Zurich is only ranked 10th.

If cost of living and property is taken into account then it may make sense, but i couldn’t seem to find a survey that is meant for tourism. But out of so many cities that i have traveled to, Zurich is by far, and very very far, the mostestestest expensivest one.

I didn’t realize it is that expensive. Normally i measure the general cost of traveling by the price of a bottled water. in Japan, bottled drinks cost aroud ¥150 (RM6). But none of the bottled water here in Zurich is less than 4 Swiss Franc. Normally a bottle of mineral water costs 5 Swiss Franc (RM17).

And water is not normally free in Zurich. You have to buy it. Although you can try your luck asking for tap water, which is Leitungswasser in Swiss. Have fun pronouncing it.


This is inside a grocery shop. A few pieces of sushi (doesn’t even have any fish in it just some bloody pickles) is like RM65.

Seriously, i dunno how people live here in Zurich. Even if i become super duper rich i will think twice… no, think eight hunfred times before considering coming back again. Damn these Swiss people who have it easy when they travel to other countries T_T. Federico says they should have a rule that Swiss people must pay 4 times the price when they wine and dine in Malaysia lolol.

Anyway, returning back to RM soon tonight! Will Show My Malaysian Flag soon. Was glad for a moment that i will return to RM3.50 zhap fan soon enough but then u realize that it is CNY and only mamak is open T_____T.

Spending my Chor Yat on the plane fml.

Anyway, Happy Bunny Year 2011 and Fatt All Your Life!!!
