Awhile ago someone asked me on twitter if i am naturally dark skinned, or is it my make up.
to which i answered, Tan is my surname. True story.
God has never been fair to me on the skin tone chart. To be honest, i was very conscious about my tan skin since i was very young, cuz a decade ago all our relatives are obsessed with fairness. Like “Aiyo, why you so dark already one? Tsk tsk, always play never study isit?”. Fml. Also it didn’t help when people think i bluff them when i told them i’m Chinese. T_T
And ever since i started my first skin care regime, it has always been whitening series. As if i would be super popular and pretty and score 100 for Geography if i was vampire-white.
In recent years, i have grown to like my naturally tan skin (also because people started to giving it cool names—sunkissed, honey glazed), and very recently, i even started to do very dark gyaru make up, with extra bronzer and lots of brown tones. I realized that dark make up can camouflage flaws even better. It makes your dark eye circles less obvious, and it also covers up lots of imperfections.
I have totally stopped using whitening series skin care since then because i love my tan skin now. However, i discovered what a huge misconception i have had, after going to Clarins White Plus HP event.
With redmummy and Aud. During the event, i learnt that whitening is not just about making you look like bloody Edward Cullen. It’s about protecting your skin from sun light, pollution and oxidation that cause pigmentation and premature aging, no matter what kind of skin tone you have. Now it sounds scary doesn’t it?
And get this! Even at night, our skin still produce melanin that cause dark spots and freckles and uneven skin tone, even though there isn’t sun light.
During the explanation by a Clarins professional, Aud and i were just like
all the way. No wonder our skin is still shitty because we never cared about all these things. And i listened very very intently so i can have nice tanned skin that is actually even, bright and radiant.
It should start with Clarins UV Plus.. This multi-protection day screen has a new secret fomula—I will give you a hint. It’s a kind of melon that isn’t allowed to run away and get married. Can’t Elope! Ok pun time over. Anyway!
Cantaloupe melon is from Provence, France, and it is clinically proven to obviously reduce the DNA damage caused by UVA exposure.
We were served the yummy secret ingredient while getting to know more about sun protection.
*noms and goes under the sun
We even got a melon bun!
At the end of the session, Clarin’s had made the day for three very, very happy girls who couldn’t wait to try out the new White Plus range.
First of is the hero– UV PLUS HP Day Screen High Protection SPF40 is lightly pink-tinted.
It’s super light-weight and oil free, even if you put extra there will be no cakey Joker-like white residue after application. And with SPF 40, now even vampires can go out and play in the afternoon.
This is Intensive Whitening Smoothing Serum, which reduces dark spots and brighten the complexion around the clock.
It contains sea lily extracts – this active brightening ingredient has a “locking” effect on melanin distribution to help prevent the formation of dark spots while it soothes skin.
I always love serum because i’m a kiasu Malaysian i like it very kao. Even though it is very concentrated, the texture is soft and light, and smells refreshingly floral! <3
I apply it during day and night before putting on my day/night products.
This is Whitening Repairing Night Cream, which is the first night cream that contains two very powerful ingredients: sea lily and daisy extracts, thatsoothes and calms skin to inhibit hyper-pigmentation at night, leaving it soft, fresh and fair again in the morning.
According to a Clarin’s study, after a 3-week usage, there’s a 100% (!!!!) reduction of dark spots!
So there you go, i have embraced whitening series once again. And after one week of usage now, i do feel that my skin is less dull!
And that almost makes me the next generation of sexy teenage vampire—tanned but bright and even skin that sparkle (with the help of glitter powder), not fatally allergic to sun light, and doesn’t suck. All i need is to grow some fangs.
If you want a want a Skin Time session, one-to-one hands on session with Clarins Beauty Expert and receive a customized Clarins trial supply for free, LIKE their Facebook Page and find out more!
Also, the first 1,000 Clarins FB fans will get a vanity mirror for free. Feel free to share Clarins FB on your own FB wall. The one who has the most sharing with friends will get a chance to win a Clarins hamper.
Clarins UV Pack is selling for RM350 at all Clarins counters. Go get nao!
LOL! so funny that you say Tan is your surname.. Good one! Haha!
it le truth. *smug face
i want a vanity mirror. :X
pls go back do some self reflection as to why u need that.
nose ps, check *it’s ps ed, right!* 😳
sexy hot gyaru, check check
😈 tut onegai shimas 😀
hai hai wakatta!!!!!
ohh nice nose ps…u look beautiful…whr u done it??
flower n melon powar!~ and yeay to cheesie for embracing her hnatural hunny glazed skin ^^ *sounds like honey glazed ham DELISH*
😯 😯 😯
this look suits you!
thank you! 😀
OMG what circle lens are u wearing here??? they are SUCH A PRETTY GREEN! please share. 😀
from vivifashion one!!! it’s actually light brown dunno why turn out so greenish!
Oh, don’t forget they also have a trivia for free 3 days Beauty Gift ( Easily participate into their lucky draw by sharing the trivia post in facebook.
Finally they are in Facebook, joined them early this morning. YAY!
😈 😈 😈
i actually have the same white shirt as you. haha.
haha im sure a lot of similar shirts liddat!
Gorgeously lookin, keep it up girl! Ur green eyes rock!
they were brown T_T
pic#1 100% Eurasian look! photoshop skills getting better and better! 😀
got meh
Omg Ringo !! You tanned skin very pretty leh !!!! 😈
Can teach us how to make it and where joo get the bronzer ah ? 😆 hehe 😆
got it from mac!! <3
Hey! You always make me laugh (That’s one good thing). You look pretty as always >D-< Thank you!
Oh, my question didn’t show up… I was wondering if that white circle in your contact lenses comes with them or if it’s just a lightning effect or something. I’ve seen it also in one of your YT tutorials. If it comes with the lenses, which model (the code XD) are you using? ^-^”
LOL you’re so funny~ && look great tanned!!!
and the serum sounds good!!!
your always pretty kayss….
That’s so true. I’m really fair naturally and any discoloration is super obvious! Which is why I’m terrified of getting pimples because the scarring is so depressing.
Love the first photo! Very avant-garde!
omg my dumbass got all excited thinking i found something great for my tan skinned too, but no,,its not even available to the USA. lol
At least you have one skin tone. I have like 5 all over my body 😐
What a great post!
Your #1 photo is could be the best photo of your beautiful face ever!!!
I am so happy for you that you have come around and accepted that your naturally tanned skin is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My wife is a tanned Filipina, and I have always admired the beauty of her skin.
In the United States causcasian women spend hundreds of millions of dollars each year in tanning booths, on skin toning products in a deserpate effort to have the same colour skin that many Asian women like you already have!
I was distressed to read years ago that tanned Asian women wanted to look whiter!!
Waaaaaaaaaaaaa. Talk about turning the world upside down.
So many Americans wanted to look like Asians and Asian women, some still try, want to look fairer. What a crazy world!
Ringo, you are so lovely and beautiful, it is no wonder so many women follow your site for fashion and beauty tips
what lipgloss is it you use? it’s so shiny like diamonds on ur lips! love it. pls pls share… 😀
Isn’t it sad? I’m white as a vampire and all my live, people have told me “Oy, what’s up with you?! You ill or what? So unhealthy, go out play in the sun, it’s good for you!”
TT___TT so now I’m super conscious about it!
Definately live in the wrong country, fml.
😉 😈 Beautifull as always. I love your tan skin ^__^
hey! I also have tan skin! 😈
btw, happy birthday! 🙂 (as shown in facebook)
looking good to me. 😈
cheesie, you tanned meh? you look fair to me T____T
you darken your skin with ps is it?
What is the color of the contact lenses that you are wearing. I like it so much! I want to have it too!
Cheesie!! Im a singapore reader of yours! What brand of bronzer are you using and where can I find it ( JB watsons/guardians have?) 😛 I cant find any nice bronzers in singapore. 😳
i like the last picture. like th effect!
hii hiii !! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! 😀
Happy Birthday Gorgeous! I hope you are living it up =)