Some of my Japanese friends were quite shocked that i didn’t bother to do any beauty preparations for the Big Day. Apparently before the wedding everybody spend a crazy amount for “Bridal Esthe” (beauty treatment for brides-to-be, i didn’t even know such thing exists.), and some target to lose like 10KG in a month wtf.

The only beauty thing i did was probably just gave my hair a new color. But good skin is utmost important! But to be fair was actually slightly worried about the skin condition in winter. Normally my skin doesn’t get used to cold weather easily and it itches like hell when the air is dry. T___T

But magically, my skin was really fine on the Big Day.

(Probably the only groom who does hair-make for his bride lolol)

Even the danna told me that “today your skin very nice ne”!

Very very happy!

I did like 2 masks the night before, and also for some reason, hot spring in Japan really does make your skin super soft!!!!!

And also regular supplements help!

I started DHC Collagen a few days ago before i left for Japan.

I am supposed to finish the 3 boxes but i couldn’t bring it to Japan cuz it’s glass bottle and quite heavy.

Luckily the country i am going is also it’s hometown lol.

Spotted one of the office branches in Roppongi!

DHC is like everywhere and they are one of the most famous brands for supplements!!!


32 kinds of vegetable in one! Bought this because it looks so healthy!


But i also found my DHC Collagen!

It’s sold in convenient stores! They also have other ranges, but i stuck with DHC Collagen Beauty 7000.

And one bottle everyday!

Other than good skin, i also feel that it helps my general health! Maybe is the cold weather or what but i feel that i sleep so well, and i can walk a whole day (a walk from our apartment to the nearest train station is 20 minutes! Sometimes i do it few times a day) and won’t feel super tired!

I also bought for the kareshi to drink hahahah.

This yummy collagen drink is now available in Malaysia, exclusively in Watson’s outlets! Check out  Watsons website for more info :)

