So you have seen how i turn my long hair into a short bob.
This hair tutorial will attempt to show you the complete opposite— how to turn middle length hair into super long hair, without using a wig or any hair extension.
Liddis. And no the second picture isn’t taken after 56 years.
Magic leh!
However, be warned that this is probably most Cheat One™ Hair Tut i have ever done.
In fact, it is so genuinely Cheat One™ (oxymoron wtf), if by the end of this post you haven’t felt cheated already, i may consider taking offense in that.

#1 So this tutorial only works on side pony tail. I always love side pony tail because normal pony tails are so boring. But the only flaw is that when you tie it up real high, it looks really short. So what if you want really long and fluffy pony tail hanging from the crown of your head! And extensions are so expensive and a total bitch!
#2 So you tie half a pony tail at the side. Tie it high. (Sorry this pic is totally inconsistent with all the pix below because i forgot i need a shot like this so i took it a different time).
(And these pictures are taken ages ago. My hair isn’t even this color anymore.) Ok so after you tie half a pony tail, you can proceed to tong it with a curler. And the rest of your hair. You can also do this before you tie your hair, but doing it after will give you more control over how you want it to look and would be less messy.

Showing rubber bands is a faux paux unless done intentionally! So whenever you tie your hair, you shall hide the rubber band with your own hair. To do this, you need some of your own hair, and a bobby pin.

#5 Just pick a thin chunk from the ponytail and wrap it around the rubber band. Go several rounds until it is not visible anymore.
#6 And then secure the chunk of hair (the remaining part) underneath. And you are about done. But sometimes you will find the pony tail jutting out and it’s not very nice like that, so you want to take a small chuck of the pony tail and pin it together with the hair that is untied to make sure it stays near your scalp. Sorry i don’t have pic for that, forgot to take.
#7 And then just sapu all hair to the side where you tie your pony tail.
#8 And you will look like you have extremely loooong hair.
Of course, tutorial is not without flaw. Like usual, it is Cheat One™.
So it only looks nice from the front. When someone look at you from behind, it is damn obvious Cheat One™ la. But i hardly turn my head 180° to see how my hair looks at the back of my head. Plus, if i turn 180°, i still can’t see the back of my head anyway.
So there. I just need to please myself. Whatever i cannot see, i just assume they are perfect. ^^
Enjoy your Cheat One™ Tutorial! Tell me how you like it!
Hair maintenance by Kimarie.
“Don’t Potong Yet!!” Update:
Ok so a lot of people advice me not to potong Streamyx yet. From now on I will report here my Streamyx service frequently.
So ever since the “Cut Your Head” campaign i noticed that the line has been quite stable. Today i managed to download a whole Vivi album (74MB) within an hour. Acceptable la. Just hope that they could improve their service and do better!
So as of now, i won’t potong just yet. Just in case i regret, or have to blog outside at my balcony fml.
Let’s see how it goes!
OMG FIRST!!!!!!!6666666 😀
haha u follow my tweets leh!
I tried, but it didn’t work, I can’t get the pony tail going, you cheat one™
haha thank you thank you!
I said you cheat me, and you thank me. what logic is this? :dunno:
lol :dunno: super cheat1…. hahhaha
haha yay 😈
wah.. I’m impressed ahahaha… super Cheat One™ mahn! like that also can… ;3;.. I wanna try it one day xD
haha let me know! 😈
Can you do a post on how to hide balding spots? I have a balding spot on the top of my head. T_T
wear wig kthxbai.
Nice post. 🙂
Thanks ^^
wah. from no bangs. become bangs.
lol no la i cut d. that is is not Cheat One™ ^^
hahaha.. so cheat one le.. haha!
good leh! 😈
.. lovee it! 🙄
errrr.. what brand of hair spray to use? 🙁
erm i dun use hair spray one normally. 😛
omg hahaha i feel so cheated.
yay lol.
i used to do this cheat one when i was in high school hahaha
wow really??
I love your hair! I was wondering if you had done anything to make your hair so thick?
no wor. just lotsa layering. and back comb a bit. 🙂
really cheated(praising u)…i used to be cheated by my primary school cousin when she used similar cheating way to extend her hair…haha…innocent me 😛
lololol really meh! why this trick so old liao la 😛
Aww that looks cute! I want to try it out ^_^ When I put my hair in a side pony I always look like I’m from the 80’s XD Looks so cute on you!
no but you are so suited for the retro/victorian look!!! ^^
OMG!!! im so slow today (or most prolly everyday) i dont get the tutorial, whats happening here? OMG whats wrong with me today -.-” please explain!!! 😳 😳 😳
Cheat fail -_-
Do anyone tell you that you looked like Taiwan artist 小娴(xiao xian)???? But anyway, your hair is nicer than hers!! 😉
ok thats a first. dunno who she is so i went google her and all i see is boobs wtf
omg… instant love!!!!
<3 back
I hope you don’t get offended, but I REALLY don’t like most of your new header pictures. They are crazily overphotoshopped and one of them doesn’t even look like you.
Xiaxue is already turning so plastic, please don’t follow suit!(although yours is photoshop, not actual surgery)
You’re pretty, naturally! There IS too much photoshop :/
nah. my designer did them and i like them. 🙂
why bother about the header pics, just take it as part of the design, there are more then thousand and 1 un-photoshopped photos for you to see here, so ya.
on another note
honestly cheesie, i dont understand also, the original pic (can see fr twitter page) is so much prettier and need PS at all. you are kinda weird 😛
i like them also… 😉
hmm… was thinking that you will tie two pony tails (one up one down) instead; then hide the bottom pony with the top pony;
but was wrong.
i wonder how it look like from the back; (:
opps; forget this..
😈 😀
what!! i dont get that!!! lol
my fringe always grow back after i trim it like 3weeks
how u tahan wan
i dun tahan ah. i just trim again lo. 🙂
every 3weeks go saloon?
😈 ok..i go kidnap hairstylist
lol. really cheat one ™!
all bluff geh.
of course. live up to the branding *smug
whoa super cheat one! but my hair look like shit now. i want a haircut!!! later la, after i get my haircut i try~ =D 😈 😈 to this post!!!
haha ur hair looks “okay only”
muahahhaha!! i seriously neeed to TM my Okay Only ady!!!!
Okay Only(TM). it’s official. Ta-dah! on cheesie’s blog sumore!!! i very pei min you one coz you help me one!
hey gal, may i know wat’s the brand name of the curly tong tat u r using? hehe
between, i tot tis post is REAL!!!! my god! kena tipu liao! :dunno: 😥
it’s Philips but it’s shit dont buy it. Buy Babyliss. Thou VERY ex. haih.
this hair tutorial really is good. its quite easy to do too (but i really dislike rollers as i tend to burn my fingers :blush: ) but i’ll surely give it a try. and i do like your fashion tutorial too.
u need to burn enough fingers to master the skill and perfect the art of curling! hehehehe
this hair tutorial really is good. its quite easy to do too (but i really dislike rollers as i tend to burn my fingers :blush: ) but i’ll surely give it a try. and i do like your fashion tutorial too.
Oops…forgot to say great post! Looking forward to your next one.
US flag!!!!!!!!
Whoa. Coolest cheat ever. Where do you get all that inspiration from sia. props to you gal.
haha just read plenty of mags and look alot alot into the mirror and play with ur hair all the time
Nicely done!
I sorta took this and made it my own. I sweep everything and then secure it with a hair clip. *don’t know how to explain* but from behind it looks like a side ponytail! Loveeeee it.
And I agree with above statement that your pictures are overly photoshopped.. Overall they are okay except for one that does not look like you. I was staring at it for a full minute… I thought ur website kena hacked -__-
wa i dont really get it. got pic to show?
This is awesome once again!!!:B 😈
yay glad u liked it
Hehe, I managed to figure out the trick just by looking at those first two pictures. But I was expecting long hair from really short hair! Like less than shoulder-length hair! Cheat one. 😛
wa so smart!!!!!
fwuahlahmak.. so cool ar.. but .. but.. if the guy touches you ar… he will say… CHEAT ONE! lol (nice one girl)
hands off!! no touchy touchy!! heheheh
hahaha, this is a good one! 😀 but wont it look really weird at the back? with two protuding sort of stuff on say, the left of your head? o______0
haha i never really look at the back. 😛
that works ! 🙂
:@ :@ :@ :@
LIKE THAT ALSO CAN AR… i try with my hair sin… but my hair is not curl…hmmm…..
use curler!
HAHAHAH walau this one very Cheat One™!! So interesting! Where you learn to do all these? Hahah.
hahaha this oen i come out myself one 😛
only in cheeserland, she cheated you and you’re still laughing 😛
LOL, nice one!! I need a hair straighter and a curler wtf…
I still cant decide to straighten permanently or not >.<
should i grab a curler or straightener??
As always, I really love all your tutorials! Damn good and easy!!!
glad that u do!!!
U will regret if you “potong”. The new internet service provider sucks.
During trial very fast,after trial very fuck :X
ok!! thanks for advice!!! 🙂
totally not getting this cheat one tut! =(
seriously, your pretty with diff hairstyle.
as compared to your prev pic, you change alot. as in your looks. how you do that?
any face slimming tips?
gonna post one soon!! stay cheesed!!
this is cool! but my hair not long enough 🙁 … can’t try ;P
awwww. then at least u dont have to do Short Hair Cheat One™
i guessed it from the first pic!yay :p
wonder how long u take to do it?plus all the photo-taking?lol
lol 20 mins?
hehehe… love it!! now i am jealous of long long hair, mine is only shoulder length… ~_~ and i am so not patient enough to keep it growing and growing for years!
haha just dont cut it lo.
nice hairstyle…nice to meet you on dargon-i last saturday….keep in touch…
u too!!! ur name too special cannot not remember!
Cheesie! Damn sedih now, realise the hokkaido thing is closed 🙁 yday fall sick, didn’t manage to send. arghhh fml!
sent u email! blog here. 😉
thank you! just came over from Ichigo’s blog?
Everyone is talking about “potong” recently..haha…
Btw, you have a lovely blog! 😈
Hey cool stuff, Rin 😀 Don’t potong your hair lah, I like seeing girls with long hair somehow
I wonder how many times a month you change your hairstyle though lol
nice tips.. too bad i cant try it.. haha..
hair really short..
anyway, i think the potong publicity is overrated =P
hihi, I am a new reader ^_^ this is a really good idea, made me laugh aswell xD
may i have the website where u d/load the vivi?
cz i only buy from newsstands and its way outdated already!
Thank you so much!
Gaile =)
everytime i c ur pic behind the kimarie background.. i c my fren as well.. lol!~
i think i somewhat get it xD, means only tie a lil pony tail and the rest just put where the ponytail’s side ? o.o
omg you’re a genius!!!! For that to work (and think of it myself) it would’ve went baa 😥 aad. XD
..nice hair style.. very artistic!! buy the way im from philippines.. 🙂