My Scene craze is not even in the same zipcode as over yet.
Still addicted to it, and Nolee the girl with black, long hair is my fav. She reminds me of Norelle in American Next Top Model (My fav too). Their names sound similar. She had long hair like her too until they cut it.
My Scene dolls have their IT guy friends too.
But I’m anti Hudson. Check out his star sign. Heehee.
But I dig River!
His name that is. And I told Mozzie.
Cheesie: i love the name River! It’s so Living!
Cheesie: next time im gonna name my boy something like that
ChingChing i dowan boys
ChingChing actually i donwan kids
ChingChing too troublesome
Cheesie: me too actually
Cheesie: hahaha
ChingChing i LOVE kids, as long as they’re not mine
Cheesie: seeing myself being such a nuisance i don’t think i want kids man
Change of topic.
I’ve been spending hours in some of the fun stuff:
ChingChing Fun Stuff?
Cheesie: Uh huh. Like monsters that collect screams, fish that talks and OGRES.
LOL. Pardon that. I just miss the Radio Show we did together.
Be a Fashion Designer!
Ugh. Turquoise overload.
Beauty Studio
I dyed Nolee’s hair PINK, made her wear lavender lens, and adorn her with really princessy bling blings. Lovely no?
Room Makeover
OMC I totally love this. Look I’ve designed myself two bedrooms and I can’t decide which is better!
Babybelle says yes to
Cheesillicious says aye to
That’s the prob with having so many altercheesgoes la. *slaps face emo*
Fortune Fun
OMC Nolee even has her own little Tarot thing. This could be so fun…
… or not.
And I’ve stolen My scene’s scenes to be the Stellar’s avatar. Thieffff…
You’re missing Angel Cheesie and Chiizuko’s rooms also ;o)
Nolee a bit like Cheesie also ne.. long back hair, cun cun style.. ekeke..
sure you dun want kids meh? imagine a little empress running around being looked after by her daddy..ekeke..yalor.. if you think cannot look after her then get the papa to lor :o)
haiyaa thanks to you i’ve spent the past 2 hrs playing with Madison instead of marking exercise books…addictive heheh =)
this site is sooooooooooo cool. could you plz add some more information about my scene and there pictures plz
You can go to this site.
hola como estan esper que bien
bueno yo soy chilena
y me encanta
my scene
soy fanatica aunque tenga 11
años y estoy por cumplir 12
bueno ya xau
oooooooooooooooooo cool
soy fanatica de my msene mi meencanta las muñeca.
me encanta las my scene es que son tan delicadas y nos enseñan alas niñas a ser delicadas
me gustan mucho las muñecas de my scene son unas de mis favoritas
las muñecas son cool
a mi y a mi hermanita nos gustan mucho las my scene:a mi porque son cool pero al mismo tiempo muy delicadas y eso nos faborece a nosotras!!!
y a mi hermanita porque le gusta jugar a las muñecas y aparte le gustan las my scene!!!
un besote,pauuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!
Please put up to the site more my scene pictures, because it’s i think not to lot.Soo if you want that:when your site is the best of the others you put up to this site very much and sooo nice my scene pictures!!Please Put up it quickly.Thank you very much.
by. alwayzz kate
i love my scene the best girls web ever
(sorry and for boys)
hello ozlem it is mee i mean youu i mean im talking to myself i mean im thinking myself well catch myself up lol
hi Bercearniey i went to my grandma’s house and i wish you can come to for tea. love selin x x x x
Hi baercaniy rae u ok no so why rae u playing on the comptaer then cas i wont to i no why becas u was sic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 🙂 (L)
hi 🙂 xxxxx:(cas u :):( :*
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 hi bercaniy wot rae u doing rae u on the phon on me no wat do u men
bay 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 heya diana and shanice wat rae u Doing nuthing wickid diana and shanice i like your barbie dollies xxxxx:) i got to go now bay 🙂
hey bitch! i am a capcorn. i hate hutson but i am a capcorn! shut the hell up and i will be ok! BUt i love the pics of the girls. u have to e-mail them to me! @ this address
olas a todas las my scenes y a sus fanatycas oks me despido bye 🙂
hola io soy ximenita y me gustan muxo las barbies, me gustaria que hicieran un concurso de barbies y yo ganar porsupuesto es broma jeje :p pero ps de todos modos ese es mi sueño ganar en un concurso de my scene bueno eso era todo lo que les queria decir…
ximenita. 🙂
ı love you
ı love you
sus muñecas son lo mejor
los chicos son lo maximo ylas chicas tambien hay uno que es mejor que todos besos para el chao
i love your movie and you guys
creo q las ms son medias cavesonas osea deformes pero son muy lindas o mucho mejor q las brats bueno no tengo nada + q decir a si q
i love my scene
i love my scene
i love my scene
Super cool j’adore les images !
sorry i got 2 go:) bey:) 😉 🙂 🙂 🙂
me encantan las my scene
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 hi becrniy did you have eniy sweet’s no yes nice girl:):):)bye
daca mai aveti poze cu myscene datimi si mie
Ilove you
nice coooooool and nice
أحبهم أموت فيهم
i love you
i really love my scene!!! my favorite character is barbie!!!!