If, much to my shame, had i not tried the annoyingly famous mango pudding in Hong Kong, i had this evil plan of stealing some of Keju’s mango pudding review pictures, PS away the watermark, and pretend that i took them and ate the damn pudding.
Keju was right. It’s the best.
It was the mostest mangoful dessert i’ve ever tasted in my life.
There was mango pudding, mango sorbet, mango puree and lotsa lotsa real mango chunks all in one glass!!!
So mangolicious can die. And you know what kicks ass?
Cheesus Crust. Mango overdose.
I can only say, this is the mango dessert made with the most generous amount of sincerity i’ve ever seen.
I tried their green tea & red bean pudding too.
It has the perfect doink doink bounciness and the perfect mild sweetness to my liking.
Don’t bother asking where you can find it because it’s everywhere!!!!
When i was in Mongkok, for a moment i thought i either
1)had a heat stroke and was seeing things or
2)lost my cheesed-up mind
because i saw at least two Hui Lau Shan outlets at every single street.
But yes, there are that many outlets. I guess Hong Kong people will die of desperate mango craving without the shops.
Cheez i can’t seem to finish blogging bout food in HK.
yalo yalo…..foods…… aiks…… jeles ur life….
OMC i am the first one to post comment for the first time in any of the blog in this world >_
clement: Whoa, erm, like, congrats?
why you never bring me there? 🙁
too many yummy yummy food but so small the stomach space…how come u dont seem to get fat…
all i can say is………………….wow……….i want!
wow…yummy yummy….i also wan!
*drooling* wow wow wow.. so yummy.. i want…..
Mmmm… Mango. I never liked mangoes till I came to Malaysia. Ironically it was Aussie mangoes that got me addicted… don’t ask me why I never liked them in Australia.
jiejie cheesie .. that shop that you went is a good “tong shui” shop .. but there is another one which is also good. The shop is called “honeymood” ie a franchise too .. “honeymood” has fantastic durian pancakes 🙂
not “honeymood” supposed to be honeymoon .. sorrie
Aww,mango is my fave fruit!
Now, why can’t we have that here? 🙁 GENUINE mango pudding, GENUINE durian pancake…*sigh*
durian pancake…wonder how it tastes like, in taiwan they even hv fried durians…
wa~~~~!!! 许留山!! really indeed the best mango dessert ever tasted!!!! and around mongkok area really got countless outlets~!!!! never tot someone from tropical country like me will find my cup of mango pudding at hong kong 😛
I would like to try the green tea, not really crazy about mango.
jiejie cheesie
I have a homework for you 🙂
i received this forward email about this place..looks like its not a myth..wah!!!
anyone going to hk pls tapao anyone coming fr hk tapao pls…i waaaaaaaan !
Aaron:Because my luggage not big enough!
gal: Mango wont fat la.
sheon & angelyn & rose: Then go for it! 🙂
clement: Haha your >_< got cut. Stevo: Do you like their teens?
Ying Bin: Whoa then it’s your heaven.
Steffi & Jade: I tried durian pancake in Mandarin Oriental’s Chinese restaurant before, quite nice! ^^
Silky la: Maybe all the nice mangoes are imported to HK d.
Kay: They have tons of choices! All you need is mooooolah and a bottomless tummy!
misha muffin: You are eeeeeeeeevil. I know you tagged jiejie lasilasi but didn’t expect you to tag me you eeeeeeeeeeevil muffin mish.
lotsacravings: Gives you lotsa cravings!
lin: Doreen is! Ask her!
D*rn,I missed tat when I went 2 HK last time. 🙁
If there is a chance 2 HK again,I must try!!!
*jiejie cheesie* me no evil lar .. me hugs hugs jiejie cheesie .. 🙂 how is cheddie?
its all the way in HK!! i’ll just have to make to with eating 2 ABC and 10 mangoes at the same time…sigh…..
I just went to Hong Kong a couple of weeks ago and I agree, that mango pudding is totally out of this world! Total mango overdose. Heh.
those mangoes in HK are from philipines hehehe
Whoa,Misha seems knowing everything!Smartie! 🙂
Haih, when will it be coming to malaysia?
misha: wow you have a blog at 7 years old! You really write for yourself? sounds mature!
curry .. NOPE .. i did not blog it myself … my grand grand grand dad did it for me? OF COURSE I did it myself with some help from my MUM!
Cheesie edits: Haiyo i help you la.
>_< Nah.
i went there too! awesome place. there’s also a steak restaurant nearby which is very very nice.
in the end, it’s just a puding….
kcin, wrong! in the end…it’s excreta.
hiya! didn’t know the mango pudding here was so awesome (i’m drooling at ur pics now) or else i wud’ve tried it out myself too! *Smacks forehead* am new to ur blog btw so jt dropping by to say hi 🙂
Jun: WHoa how long did you spend in HK, u seem to have experienced every single thing a HKie would (except mango pudding haha).
haha i was only thr for 6 days. not enuf!!! i swear i have to go back again– and ur mango pudding may just be one of the best reasons 😉 mind if i link ur blog? (it’s my medical studentitis syndrome flaring up– always ask for consent first ;p)
Jun: Link ahead! BTW you have just been cheesed! Wahaha.
so so tempting to eat the puddings.. haha.. =)
xu liu shan was in spore for awhile…but it closed down liao 😛 but the one in hk is super good..
mmmmm, they all look delicious! Throw some cheese on that ?????!