That’s how people describe Cheddie.


Cheddie is now 4 months old. But she looks like she never grew a single bit (friends who haven’t seen her for a long time said she did, but to me she’s still that fluffy little furbaby i can hold up with one palm).

Remember when i first got her back, and for weeks, she had these pointy ears?


Some said she cannot be a pure Maltese because of those ears. I didn’t care because no matter how she turns out to be i will love her the same.


Her ears dropped down gradually. Now she’s a ladylike Maltese Princess. I don’t know if i should be happy! I prefer her pointy ears which made her stand out so uniquely among her other litter mates, those ears that shouted “bring me home, i’ll be the mostestest adorablest Maltese baby you’ll ever have”. Which i bought. Pun intended.


She is so clingy omg. She follows me everywhere. And i mean EVERYWHERE. Like, while she’s in the middle of her nap in her pink fluffy little igloo next to my couch and i walk to the kitchen for some water, she would immediately wake up and follow me one!!!

I wonder why is she so tiny. All the groomers i brought her to asked if she’s a miniature! No she’s not. Then i started to think if i fed her too little 0.o. But no matter how much she eats she just won’t grow much lo.

So ambivalent! I wanted her to remain small and cute. But that’s very fragile, like i can break her bones with just a snap. I’ve heard of horror dog stories like this guy who has a Chiwawa, which is so small, and he keeps it (dunno male or female) in his bedroom. One morning, he wakes up from his bed, accidentally steps onto the Chiwawa and it just goes X_X.


And he dares not keep a dog for the rest of his life.


Okay i’m not supposed to tell ghost stories. Think happy!

Anyway. Yes, while typing, Cheddie is sleeping on my lap now, like usual. And she snores every so lightly omg so cute. ^^


One day she might just lose her omgwtfbbqdvd-soooooooo-cute-can-die-ness but that will not stop me from pampering her. Even if she becomes an oompa loompa one day, i will still think that she’s the cutest Cheddie in the world.

The cutest marshmallow with 3 black dots.
