When Cheddie sees me again after, how about, 5 minutes of my absence?
She practically gets hysterically excited and jumps all over me for about another 5 minutes. Really. Every time she loses sight of me, she will totally panic and look all lost. When she sees me again (no matter after how long), it’s like she’s found the most precious thing back into her life.
She will crawl manja-ly towards me and rest comfortably.
And then puts her chin on my palm. Like a baby nia. Grrrrr! Super adorable.
I once read it somewhere, that no matter how mischievous and how notti your doggie is, be good to them.
From a doggie:
“You have your family, your job, your friends, your lover, and tons of entertainment to think about and love, but i only have you.
I almost cried when i saw that. You are the only thing your pets have. They don’t play, eat, nor drink when you’re not around. They wait anxiously (and doze off of tiredness sometimes) for you to come back to them. And they don’t hold a grudge against you even you ter-ignore them for one whole day. They are just happy to see you again.
Dogs are such wonderful creatures. Try to spend more time with them if you can. Remember, you’re everything they’ll ever have in their lives.
Also, i want to thank Lynn for sending Cheddie super lovely and princessy toys all the way from Australia. You’re the sweetest! Cheddie loves them to bits and wants me to play fetch with her all the time. 😀
Hi Cheddie!Nice 2 see u again! 😀
She’s adorable~
Getting cuter each day~~
hehe .. she is so cute! i want a puppy too .. must ask MUM!!!!
such a cute cheddie!
she really looks like a piece of cloth man! piece of white cloth! haha.
If both of your child and cheddie falls into the sea, you can only save one of them. Who would you take?
Look at that tail wag! She’s adorable.
i so agree with that statement….your dog only has you for his/her world…..and maybe the occassional neighbor’s car tyre.
i love my dogs. i’m still travelling around quite a bit now….when i settled down sometime in the near future….i might consider getting myself a jack russel…..but..just a thought. 🙂
cheddie’s very cute and adorable. i think she’s got her cute genes from you…. muahaha……
hahahaha … korkor Sheon trying to “bodek” Jiejie Cheesie —— > from this statement : cheddie’s very cute and adorable. i think she’s got her cute genes from you…. muahaha
misha darling…..noti noti…. 😛
That’s really sweet. But it’s really sad if dogs only have one person to wait on. Poor thing. How about leaving her with a friend who also has a dog? That way she won’t be so lonely.
korkor sheon …. y u call me darling? hehehe
find cheddie a friend or playmate so that she wun be so boring
ur cheddie is super cute la…
cheddie’s soooooo adorable. =D
your fren lynn is really sweet, she must be a pets lover
hey, i came across this website ‘healthy pet food makes healthy pets on Squidoo’..must read, true life story..good for you and cheddie.
cheddie looks so thin.
I got giddy watching Cheddie go hyper…HAHAHA, she had to refuel before continuing!
u made me miss my 小皮 so much (yes, she’s my dog and she is chinese educated)
how i hope i am able to go back penang just to see her now…
she goes hyper everytime when i’m back, exactly like how cheddie does.
i miss her 🙁
Dear Miss Cheesie,
Wish you’re in the pink of health together with ur beloved cheddie 😉
I really love your writings, marvelous pictures and personal of view. Congratulation!
Please, do keep up on blogging.
OMG, ur lil Cheddie is so adorable! I’m definitely love it! *will show those vid to my kiddies today, yay*
Just got my kiddies new pet yesterday; Neon Tetra fishes, I am really fall in love with kitten & puppy, really want to give them as a present to my kiddies on their birthday *hope they gonna love it*.
You’re such a sweet and great person Miss Cheesie. *salute*
May I know what is the type of ur lil Cheddie? *sorry I didn’t know much about puppy, but I do had experienced taking care of stray dog; owned by my past landlord, they were just awesome*
Thank you so much for everything. Take great care. May you have a great day 😀
p/s: I’ll always pray for your happiness. Amin~
i always love dogs and always want to keep one. but my current situation doesnt allows any… 🙁
look at your cheddie… dont we just love dogs?
misha: becoz you are a darling to all of us in blogosphere!
gorgeous little dog!
aWWW … so sweet… Cheddie love Cheesie 😀
Ying Bin: *cheddie wags tail*
jessie: Thank you jessie. She is super happy to hear that!
Misha: Later if the puppy too cute mommy sayang her more how? Hehehe…
cherlyn(: : I refer her to as a carpet! Wukaka.
jam: Bad hypothetical question wahaha. I will teach my child how to swim and well, dogs can swim also 😀
Katherine-Lee: Haha the frequency! 😀
sheon: Some of my friends say i look like her. especially after i curled my hair and it look limp and messy wtf. -_- But good luck to your puppy hunting!
Kittykins: She just played with 4 doggies in her grooming parlor yesterday for more than half a day. The owner’s dogs are ADORABLE! 😀
ahbuthen: I’m waiting for Jojo to propose to her.
annant: Thank you!
Judy: Thanks Judy.
doll: She is! She has a Maltese too named Princess.
mom: lol seems like you been doing research!
Steffi: Hahaha you noticed! Short of breath d lol. And i thought she would tame down one after refueling. Mana tau lagi crazy!
Silky la: So xiao pi is a silky? 😀
mamafiza: Thank you for your comment! Cheddie is a Maltese. I hope your kids love the fishes and your future pet. They will make great company i’m sure! 🙂
sugar: awwww. Perhaps you can just play with your friends’ doggies? It’s not good when you don’t have the time. Yesterday when i brought Cheddie for grooming, there was this another Maltese, named Princess also. The owner had no time for her and she had to give it up to the groomer for adoption. Lucky Princess looks very happy playing with other doggies. Don’t be sad. maybe in the near future you might have the leisure to keep one 🙂
amanda & zOee: Thank you. Cheddie love you all too 🙂
First post for u. I’ve been following ur blog for a while. Great pics n posts, Cheesie. Love love ur Cheddie … she’s so adorable. Reading the post from “a doggie” makes me teary : )
+ Love ur post bout London – Paris !
where r u now??? like all over the place on u lolllll
aww shes just like my darling and honey
omg cheddie is so adorable! she must have moved too much and got thirsty but she immediately came back and jumping here and there. love this entry of yours – maybe those people who havent had much time but still wanna keep pet should consider getting a companion for their pet!
heyhey, this is my second pos 2 u, ive been folowing ur blog for a while now, jz dat i dun usually post my comments, great pics and gud comments by u, anwyays,cheddie is so freakin adorable, how could u not love a lil thing like dat? 🙂 anyways, bout that line, “You have your family, your job, your friends, your lover, and tons of entertainment to think about and love, but i only have you, is so true and kinda sad huh? ur poor puppy has oni u to look forward to in her day. like mine ( ive got 2 dogs and 1 puppy ), they alwiz feel sad and sorta heart broken wen they know ur leavin the house, be it work, sch etc, but they dun know dat rite? and they alwiz wait patiently for u to return. like my dogs, they know wen my dad will b back, and wen my mum wil b back from work. as for me, well, im unpredictable. and they alwiz wait patiently at the front door for u to appear, and the moment u enter their vision, they go nuts over u, kinda like how dino is in flintstones. anyways, keep up the blogging, alwiz enjoy readin the stuffs u write bout, take care 🙂
yup, xiao pi is a silky 😀
Dogs are creature who loves all the attention :P. unlike cats, they dun bother if they dun see you for days ….:S
I have a white miniature poodle called Lady who is EXACTLY like that!
Gets all hyper when she doesn’t see me or my mum for a while.. and then she’ll jump around and start attacking ur face with slober and droll worthy licks..hehehe… and then after that falls asleep on ur palm…cheddie reminds me alot of my lady..=)
Dear Cheesie,
I’m really glad that Cheddie loves those toys… Much better than playing with lighters rite? LOL!! Princess once played with one and altho it’s empty, guess she must have tried to chew on it or something, i actually heard a loud explosion and to see her coughing like mad!! (the lighter somehow exploded in her mouth)….
Btw, Princess is a Bichon Frise cross Australian Silky Terrier, but cos she looks more like a Bichon and the size of silky she looks like maltese!! Have fun playing with Cheddie!
Wow he is obviusly very happy to see you again!
He is a very cute dog, my mother has one just like you and he is also very playfull.
aw shucks cheddie’s cute!!! she reminds me so muc of my own baby (who’s a maltese too) =p
after watching d video, im missing my own baby sooooo muc!!! and worse thing is, im now all d way in d uk for my final year n i dun get to see her at all!!! sobz ='(
i never get tired of seeing lovely things, cheddie is absolutely adorable!
cheesie..your doggie is soooooooooooo cute..i love dogs but space doesnt permit me to have one..sadness…
WA….. so adorable!!! aw…… so cute!! no wonder u love her so much…. i’ll bet Cheddie loves u too.. just look at the way she wags her tail.. lol. U know, i look fwd to seeing a post of Cheddie everytime i visit ur blog. I cant say im disappointed cos i’ve seen lots so far. Hope to c more.. 🙂
p.s: i wish Cheddie’s my dog. Can i have her? lol. 😛 jk la..
Amanda: Maybe you can be her nanny when i’m not around! lol
So sweet !
Dont always travel lah , Stay with her 🙂