Hey! Can you update already??? You are now taking care of Cheesie’s blog, you can’t just leave it hanging forever, do something already! You don’t have to explain anything as I know u would have done it already if you could, just post something up ok?? Stupid. I think Cheddie can do a better job than you.
Okok.. Let’s talk about ….hmmm, boring mundane stuffs like the hot date that I went out with last weekend. Haha.
This SYT (Sweet Young Thing) that I knew from school, called me the other day. We hardly ever spoke to each other in school and thus, I was literally floating on cloud 9 when she asked me out on a date with her. Yay, I have hit the jackpot! Finally!!
So we met on last Saturday, cheapo me treated her to drinks from the local coffee shop. She didn’t look very impressed with my choice. Haha. So began the idle chatting, and then she dropped the bomb. She tried to sell me insurance. Damn…Why does this always happen to me??!!
I immediately came out with some lame-ass excuse by saying that it’s time for Cheddie to have meal and Cheesie will absolutely kill me if I forgot about it…and with that I made haste.
Conclusion: Perhaps I should be an insurance agent so that I can meet more SYTs???? Idea or not?
PS, anyone heard of buying insurance for their pet? I think Cheddie needs one. She is too hyperactive, always running into things. Ouch!!!
l o l . . . =.=
thts pretty lame. i wan mrbbq =(
n pls can we hav the bday post back?
L.A.M.E wats tat spell?
i tot u suppose to talk bout her life…not urs!
no comment
i miss cheddie
what happened to those self-promoting entries? or should i say, the ones where other ppl ie mr bbq, cheesie’s mom, whatever, wrote to praise cheesie to the skies, which i find totally unnecessary?
i loved reading cheeserland.com, but right now, it just seems like another self-promoting blog. not that i can blame cheesie, since she’s not the one writing these entries.
oh well..
u are so lame…
eh why misha and my comment disappear from da thank you mr bbq post ar?
then da birthday posts disappear also one?
carol: just shut-the-cheese-up and read the blog ok!Those posts that u claimed self-praise are long gone and why the “cheese”are u still bringing it up!
Dun be a fire starter!Stup*d fella!
Goodbye cheeserland *snif* *snif*
Probably not coming back, if it’s to read this sort of stuff.
That’s a shame, coz this blog used to be so entertaining.
what you’re doing is very disrespectful to readers, btw- almost making fun of them in your blof entry.
wat is this?
This is not suppose to be the right for you to blog. Its just not right.
*right way
things will be fine when cheesie’s back with her car : P
meanwhile keep ourselves entertained with Malaysian Dreamgirl! =)
Cheesie~ i’ll be watching u >:3
yeah .. WHY misha’s comment dissappeared? sigh
bored bored bored…..whose writing this? TT or BBQ?
ika ‘s craving for cheese, can someone come bake me some cheese(cake) pweseeeeeeeeeee
aghhhh aghrhghhh aghhhhhhh cccchhhhhheeeeeesssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
um…nice try..
no comment.
this post practically stingsss like a smelly cheese… it’s better that you never posted anything and left mrbbq’s post as the last update ever….
no explanations no nothing. you really brought cheeserland to a new low.
Oh well, say goodbye to Ringo’s traffic.
Something better than nothing (at least for now) .. So we should be grateful dy 🙂
LOL. is this what cheeserland is going to be like for the next 3 weeks? well. i’d hate to say i told you so, but… 🙂
erm, who posted this? :S
hello it’s quite obvious you’re copying http://sibehsibehsian.blogspot.com
can you please get some original ideas of your own??
Ok… i’m sooo lost here!
What am i doing here??
uMM….. ermmm…
if it’s life insurance you’re better off investing in some sort of financial fund…i got life insurance in my early 20s, i travelled a lot and did stupid things so i got it because of that…i’m still paying premiums on it but of course changed a few things…moral is if i had used all those premiums towards a fund of sorts i’d be much richer now 🙂
oh take the life insurance if you have a high risk life, like insurance sales person lol
How can u spoil her blog like that….no wonder she keeps putting a vegetable on your face whenever there is a picture on her blog…too stink face to be on the blog!!!
Leave her blog alone la…and cheesie please pease save your blog or else the stinky bloggers such as shaolin tiger and pink pau will start criticizing about the hits decreasing sighh! hate them!
I guess ppl is starting to say goodbye to cheeserland.com =( mr bbq was entertaining though..til someone else took over…
Missing The Original Cheesie already…. There goes one of my daily readings….
why are you doing this to cheeserland? I always favourited xiaxue’s and Ringo’s blog coz their entries has been really interesting…I guess there is a reason why cheesie’s puts a vege on ur face when she blog picture that have u in it…coz u really just stinks like an old vege 🙁 yuuuck!
I have a feeling that u r doing this to decrease cheesie’s hits , her fans dun vote for her and so that she will not win Malaysian dreamgirl? How mean can you be if you really meant to do so……
and i hate it when u are actually saying cheddie needs a life insurance! she is a hyperactive pup! there is no wrong to it!
besides I don’t see cheesie complaining about her hyperactiveness when she blogs about cheddie…she is proud of her! just that u dog -up to take care of cheddie i guess!
leave her blog alone and give it back to BBQ to handle! lazy-one word to describe u!
cheesie pls come back to blog….or maybe u should stop trusting other ppl to be your guest blog
please. please. just leave this blog alone.
yeah leave it alone till ringo comes back…i rather it stays un-updated~
you guys are speaking as if it is vegehead’s fault for writing – lame as it is, as i admit, but have you guys ever wonder that your so-called “god-like” idol may have a lousy judgment in picking ppl to entrust her blog with?
jeez, talk abt being blind
i guess that’s what ppl who leave comments on kennysia.com mean by “blind and bimbotic” fans. couldnt agree more after seeing all the comments here personally myself
i agree wif elm totally.lol
that’s because we personally know wat kind of girl cheesie is and she has that certain something that we could fan about…
talking about someone who is interested stopping in reading vegehead posts…y not hit the RED X button and stop commenting here because we don’t like you guys…
check out all the comment idiots…out of the 36 comments…which one if actually favoured to vegehead unless u r his or her friend…screw out la u! stop judging cheesie’s fan here and oh ya kennysia.com love his blog though…glad he has so much fans too…but do you have any
i guess if u have any…they are blind …
oh my previous comment was to that fella named sheesh! ahaha shheeh it is…name also one kind wan
this is so ridiculously bad, i think i’ve been left speechless.
congratulations, anonymous blogger who only wants to go after SYTs, i think you’ve successfully ruined years of blogging by Cheesie with just one post.
what a farce of a post.
dr.erection: why do a car needs an insurance? do u think ur life is not even worth more than ur car? why r u investing in a car? the value will depreciate more in future right? but why r u still getting it? moral: BECAUSE U JUST NEED IT !! =.=
unlike bbq and mamacheesie, tt is keeping low profile…new person new attitude ma.
actually i’ve got nth against it other than the incessant punctuation marks hahahahah. at least he’s trying -_-
aaaaargh we were all wrong asking you to update. i might as well go and read up something in wikipedia instead of a post that sounds like a MSN conversation. 🙁
ouch, insurance agent. lol
pls omg at least give us mrbbq back. he’s nice n he replies comments n stuff.
cheesie is gonna get real maddd~~
seriously. GET MR BBQ BACK!!
pissed. totally.
why people like to complain so much, if you found not intereted at all with the blog, shut up and leave – FOREVER… if you want to.
what so good about reading others people blog in stead of writing an interesting one for yourself.
@__@ (Confuse)
*sniff* bye cheeserland *sniff* WHY LIKE THIS I WANT BBQ BACK =( or ringo lah. but not plausible since she’s still there for 3 weeks so, I WANT BBQ BACKKKKKK. also i think he should start his own blog 😀
aiyo. different ppl has got different writing style.. so dont complain too much (:
i miss cheesie and mr bbq though.
TT, do write more. lol.
yeah, i honestly dont understand why most of the commentors are complaining abt TT. they are targeting him as if he just simply BARGED into ringo’s blog without permission and wrote an entry when in actuality, it is the complete opposite. and they are saying things like “omg, cheesie gonna be so mad that this happen” or the likes. for christ’ sake, if anyone should be blamed, it is their supposedly-godlike idol named ringo that is stupid enough to trust her blog to the wrong ppl.
enough said. jeez. wake up, u blind ppl. your idol is not fault-less.
If it’s not an insurance agent, then she’ll be in MLM business. This is the trend nowadays.
cheesie..u better be back soon. zzzzzz
Um. No comment.
good luck Cheesie.
seriously, how old are you, really, to have written this crap worth of a post? i mean, if you were really Ringo’s trusted friend to be given the privilege of guest blogging, WRITE SOMETHING WORTH READING LA.
who cares about YOUR mundane life? it’s RINGO’s blog. DUH.
im confused
Darn lame lor you guys…….. Fight over this. You cheesie fans out there really got no sense of judgment of your own lah. It’s just a post la ok. Can delete one la ok.