Ok the mall you all want to go is called Argyle Centre! If u take the MTR to Mongkok station, just follow the direction of Exit D2 and it will be right outside the exit. Thank you JoyJoyce for the info!! <3
Too many Disneyland pix i decided that i’m too lazy to edit 40000 photos so i’d blog about shopping first.
It was so awesome i still feel the happiness up till now (maybe because i haven’t really unpack yet.)
(i reckon instead of unpacking, i should just re-pack it since im going to Japan soooooon)
To be honest i almost hated my last trip to HK. I thought the fashion was horrible and the weather was crap. Therefore I didn’t expect much before this trip because i’ve already been to Disney HK and all that. But i guess the girls made it so so worth it. Everyone was so nice and fun and girly and shopaholic BIG <3!!! I don’t think i’ve ever had a awesomer all-girl shopping trip!
Anyway! I am so so glad that we met up with Suet.
Without her, i’d prolly be still sulking here thinking why everything in HK so expensive! Suet brought us to this shopping mall in Mongkok (i couldn’t remember what it is called, i think is Mongkok Zhong Sum or something, Suet help!!)
We <3 you Suet!!!
Wendy and i and Suet just went completely crazy in the mall because we only had 3 hours to do our speed shopping what turf. T____T
So busy shopping this is like the only pic we took together in the mall.
I think maybe this is my happiest purchase. I always have trouble finding a cap that fits me perfectly. You think caps are all the same but they are not! Some make me look like a mushroom or whatever but i finally found my perfect cap!!!
But i dunno why it says Seven. nemai. it will be my lucky number from now on.
Happy shopping!
Tim and Aud and Ming and Mike went to some famous restaurant for lunch but the 3 of us sacrificed the best goose or whatever in the world for SHOPPING. We believe that’s the most important thing in the world.
We can has nom!
Wendy and i had the famous Mango Lou tapao because we were so short of time must fully utilize every single second to hunt for good bargain T_T
Summore Wendy said “No one’s allowed to eat or pee or drink unless we’re really dying” god gotta love that attitude it’s gonna be my shopping motto nao!
I always thought that my pink craze is finally over, until i shopped with Wendy. It unleashed all the pinkness in me all over again -___-.
I think she bought like a million pink bags. In addition to the 10 cheezillion pink bags she already has.
Share with you some of my prized purchase!
In fact all of us bought almost all the same stuff because great minds think alike and all that we just have super brilliant taste in fashion what turf. It was so great!
Pink leopard print dress. Wendy got the original uhm, leopard color.
OMG totally love this pink and fluffy! Suet and i got the exact same bag and we were so so happy!
fur dress: HK$195
Pink bag: HK$ 95
My perfect Seven cap and fluffy scrunchie for my hair bun! 😀
Disney notebook omg buy two for 50% off! Aud and i each bought one!!
HK$135 for two
We already started to conteng!
Juicy wedge sandal. Wendy bought two pairs, in addition to the 129837 other pairs she already has.
HK$75 (i think)
Freaking huge My Melody bag can fit the entire Fourfeetnineaud inside can.
Wendy, Aud and i each bought one because it was so ridiculously cheap we were practically grinning like idiots when we left the stall.
But mine is already dirty after being tortured and beaten up in the custom fml sorry my melody T___T
Satin gloves
been looking for it foreverrrrrrrrr
Violet and light pink extension woohoo
HK$10 each
Damn sweet cardigan for like, HK$30!!!!
Disney slippers for HK$… zero!
You gotta <3 Disney! 🙂
Sob really shop until damn broke & look bao card, hou yam goong ah what turf T_T
Ok that’s all!!! Disney pic soon! (Hopefully!)
Before i end this post i’m going to be super nice to you because i’m in such an ecstatic mood and streamyx is loving me today again, super speedy!
Nah. Vivi Jan 2010 🙂
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Vivi Jan 2010 |
woot! I love the pink bag and the fur dress! ♥ Sounds like you had a loooot of fun ^^~ and Xiaxue’s hair tied up like that is just so cute XD
Mango lou looks so delicious ;__; I wanna eatt.. om nom nom..
HAHAH we commented at the same time weh!! 🙄
u guys good frens? 😀
we’re cousins =D she is the one told me to read your blog back in late 2006!!!
waaa thank you michiika!
uwaa cannot reply your comment below hahaha.. hehe npnp! Your blog is really interesting ma 😀 must spread the lovee~~ 😀
i missed one second..LOLZ!
LOL.. better luck next time! 😀 😀
ya actually we did speed make up also cuz so damn kancheong to go to HK city to shop T_____T
T__T shopping. so cheap sumore everything… T___T damn love the cardigan weh… and the juicy wedges.. want go shopping osooo… T___T no, lemme rephrase that. i want go CHEAP shopping osooooo…. T__T
kesian, why Audrey didnt ikut you all??? great cheap buys weh! 😈
ya she had to go lunch with her ex colleague kesian her lol
u know hor, everytime you post 1 post, it feels like double posts coz after reading the post u wrote, must continue to read the comments also one!! refresh and refresh. reading ur replies damn entertaining one!!! 😆
haha good la!! keep yourself entertained!! im editing disney pix fml damn a lot
check my pic check check.
YESHH!! changed my display pic!!! now permanently shows my cat looking so high all the time!! yesh!!
sry ah cheesie! spam ur comment box for this :blush:
took me like 30 sec to figure out what it is O.o
hahahaah!! maybe i’ll change to another clearer one when i get home! 😀
Quite cheap eh~ I thought Hk is quite expensive cuz its a tourists area~ I think the satin gloves is nice~ Its hard to get one here in M’sia.
thats what i thought the first time i went to HK!!!!!
din like it at all.
sometimes we see cheap n unique things we buy it without thinking~ after come home try den feel its not nice already… happens to me a lot times after i shop.. ;P do u wana try dye ur hair like wendy’s hair colour? I m curious how you would look like in that colour.. ^_^
nooooo i dunno how she keeps her hair so damn nice still. if i bleach it i’d prolly go botak the next day.
oh u can see me in blonde hair when i was Henrietta Ze Hunter. 😛
yayyyy finally can open n read ur blog !!! im missing all the fun :@
seriously i tot how ex is HK then u posted bout this only now ! if i knew bout it in august 😳 boohoooo
dont kno when i can go ther again
eh previously cannot read meh? O.o
haha yea from your place a bit far :X
Great entry…loved the pics and nice to see you still sound so energetic after what sounded like a really hectic time shopping
ya havent gotten over the excitement yet lol
where’s my ballOOn?!?!?! lolol
sob! bao zhor
WA SO CHEAP!!!!!!!! u must find out d name of places^^ plan 2 go nxt yr…if post with d map oso good^^
i find out from suet ok! ^^
aww i love the pink leopard dress!
and its cheap, seriously!! aww!
🙂 you want?
i mean, i can give u if u help me buy cam!!! 😀
7 is my lucky number! 😀
I totally in love with the pink bag you got, it’s so pretty! gosh!
me too!!!!!!!
i want to go hong kong tooo!!! ok.. after bangkok and bali… 😛 hahahah
lol so tamak!
the satin gloves so elegant!!!!
and the free slippers also very cute! 😆
😀 😀 ;D
wow it’s really cheap for all ur purchases..must get all the shop name from suet b4 she forgets abt them…
haha confirm she wont!
Awwwww….missed! you’re in HK! me too..aiks…but u got tonned of fun..and i’m always stuck with work..n again..
great shopping ! loved it..I can feel you excitement and happiness! 🙂 😈 😈
u are still there!!!!!!! so jeles!!! u still got time to shop!!!
😈 so nice n worth buying~! i tot HK stuff vy expensive~ u gals manage to get so many stuff in 3 hour~!? 😯
thank for da ViVi~!! 🙂
🙂 welcome dear!
join us next homestay k!!!
i wana join da hokkaido one but not this yr la~ went tokyo in May this yr n broke d~ 😛 never been hokkaido nor homestay~ waiting for ur post on wonderful trip to hokkaido ya~ 😉
wow! you girls look so cute! <3
You are on VIVI Jan’10 cover?
lol. OF COURSE!!!!
Eh, that pink bag can get in Malaysian blogshops for below RM60 leh :X
heh after conversion it’s about RM40 only. so much cheaper.
Btw, can change the pic shown when I leave my comments? Lol..I dun wanna be stuck as a robotic fatty ;p
cannot wor unless u change ur mail add 😡
actually, you can change it here :] http://en.gravatar.com/
uhhhh… nice shopping…. must remember the shop name… 😛
mall name can la. shop name is damn impossible
omg… i recognise (i think?) that shopping centre u were in… that tiny shop u took picture with suet.. that’s where I bought my prom dress… ^-^ I miss HK
haha ya just found out the name of the shopping mall!
why got nothing for me one. u lai. 🙁
faster go collect ur things la, say so much. ish.
Wow…Finally got a peek into your stuffs that you bought and i gotta say the Juicy Couture pink wedge is so so so cute!!!! And I love the organizer too!!! No wonder you were raving about how happy you are while unpacking the stuffs you bought. It’s like Xmas all over. =D
yes yes yes!!!! 😀 😀 😀
Some very good fashion finds!
Suet, Wendy and you make for a hot shopping trio!
Any chance you and Wendy can have a photo shoot in your leopard print dresses?
That would be a boomz shoot.
i dunnO! maybe! 😉
Thanks for the magazine sharing! And i love looking as shopping buys!! Wonderful!
no worries 🙂
whoah nice haul 😈 love the juicy wedges. originaaal?
nooooooo! cheat one™!
sob. i want the pink leopard dress.
haha i actually dont mind selling it
Thanks for the vivi mag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u are awesome! 🙂
you are most welcome!!!
Faster blog more about your HK trip and make me jealous!!!!!!!!!!! 😀
lol why u so cute one wanna get jealous lolol
wth?!! i’m totally in <3 with the disney character notebook!!! i want it T______T
it’s a JP edition i bought it because it has all the train maps, damn awesome!!!
the #4 disney notebook sooooo cute! i like it!
we too!!!!
YOUR SHOPPING T_________________T
feel like dying!!!! close eyes dowan to see d
was the lunch good thou?
i LOVE that mango loh. majorsuperextremegilababi LOVEEEE 🙂 cant wait to have it again nx month 😀
ps : is it as cold as i said ah??
disney was really cold but once we head to mongkok was warm like hell. can wear T shirt langsung!!! looked so slutty lolllll
hahaha really??so diff the weather!:p
GOSH!!!! 👿 👿 👿 Cant wait to go shopping again in HK April.. so most of the bags3xx you got from that Mongkok Zhong Sum (Centre).. Must found out from Suet for us oh!!!!!! I will go crazy over pink too 😆
arigato… 😛
OMG such great buys!!! I’m going to HK this Thursday!!! 😯
Wondering if you could help me find the name of the place where you bought those mega cute stuff??
I don’t want to go there but come home empty handed.
Pls and tqs!!! :blush:
so jeles lolol!!!!
I included the name, so scroll all the way up!!!
the Mongkok Zhong Sum u are talking about is known as Argyle Centre in English…if u take the MTR to Mongkok station…just follow the direction of Exit D2 and it will be right outside the exit…
thank you so much! you just saved hundreds of shopaholic souls!!!
u are most welcome!
i’m going there again next month…can’t wait!
🙂 🙂 🙂
I love that mall in Mongkok! And you can bargain there too!^.^ Makes it even more fun hahahah~~ Glad you had an awesome time in hk =DD
ehhh im too late! couldnt make a heroic entrance and tell people where that is wtf
IT WAS SO FUN OMG damn nice to shop with u all! nice with u cause u so kiam like me, nice with wendy cause she is like the opposite of us wtf. taipei and shanghai next!
heroic entrance wtf!!!
ya i super <3 u cuz u kiam like me. thou i think i more kiam than u wtf.
faster we plan holiday together gether k!!!!
WA I want to go HK also T.T Very jehles leh T.T
go la! tic so cheap now 🙂
Oh my such a cute blog, and I love all of those things you bought:)
sweden!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😈 😈 😈 😈
😥 yerrrrrr i also want that pink bag, the pink is *SO* PRETTY! *dying*
😀 😀 😀
WAH so much pink stuff!
😀 yesss!!
the second pink top looks nice….and sweeeet :)) i like the shade! is shopping in hong kong that cheap kah? whats the exchange rate meh?
me too!!! cheap leh!! i think HKD100 = RM44.50.
I wished I am in HK now. Although my main shopping spree won’t be on fashion lar, mainly on gadgets and food!
haha go xmas lo. very dei leh!!!
Travel restriction imposed ler. Wife’s pregnant so have to wait till next year.
I’ve got the huge bag too, mine is Winnie The Pooh! Haha, I bought it at 女人街 during my trip to HK last year…
we bought in nui yan gai also!!!!!!!
😀 how much did u pay!!!
Not mistaken same HKD60 😉
The stall I bought has this huge bags diff cartoons, hehe…
But I 舍不得用 still keep in cupboard, haha…
Did you guys go Luo Hu (the HK – Shenzhen border)…
The Luo Hu Commercial Centre, whole shopping complex with BAGSSSS ar…
gosshh…. mong kok chong sam is shoping paradise… * i heart 7*
HAHHA the last part sounds wrong in cantonese :X
HAHAH damn salah la u!!
you looked tall! :p
dont be so mean!
Great buys Cheesie 😈
Keep it up!
if i keep it up i really will become super pokai can die la
great advices you give, and tips on where to shop, make up, etcetc
you share the (shopping) wealth. So kind!! thx 😉
haha actually i went back like 21 pages of your blog!! You travel so much! Is it a tiring life, or very complete and satisfying? I was in Japan from 26 Dec ’08 until 3 January ’09. Shame didn’t get to see you there 🙁
also, your photoshop skills are really good >.< and beautiful photos you post!
most welcome!!! small matter la. you made me so happy lol.
traveling is tiring but super fun!!! 🙂
Oh so fun! OYu all look super cute and I love Wendy’s new fringe (bangs). You fluffy pink sweater and bag are to die for – you’ll look like a big sweet pink cheesie pop. 🙂
sounds yummy lol. ya i think she looks fab in bangs ^^
Waaah. Big SEVEN hat! 😛
I’ll be in HKG in a week and a half but MY mission is to makan!!
Glad to see u had a fun time there. Please note my flag…
i know u show off!!!!!!!!! hmmph!!!!!!
ahh… love love the pink bag! and buttery cardigan. during CNY, i definitely wanna go to HK… ^_^ i need to scratch that shopping itch!!
wa u in china now. so near!!!
that mall is an awesome place!~ it has SO many hidden ‘treasures’ inside.. i went completely nuts when my fren brought me to shop thr.. love tat place!~ =)
did u change ur nickname? o.o
hi cheesie, im new to your blog and i love it. can you believe i spent one whole week going through past entries and now im on page 86?
I cringe sometimes when i read my old entries.
But thank you!!!!!!!! made my day!!!!!!
I love the juicy wedges!!! And thanks for sharing vivi magazine 🙂
no problem!!
i luv the leopard skin dress..
in #1..
u shud try put it on..
haha soon soon!!!
babe!!!!!!!!! the pink and violet extensions are love!!! Bluek. but i still love my red ones! 😛 😛 got other eccentric colors like green n all ah?
when i bought it i tot of you!!!!! got. what color also got. 🙂
wa! so nice!!! i like the pink stuffs you bought! 😆 😆 😆
u oso like? 😀
Ring Ring…is there a fastest way for me to download VIVI JAN 2010? Coz it took me 12hrs to download it than just dont know why I cant open it after it finish download. Apprecited if you can post a link for me to access it.You’re really my most ,most ..I mean THE MOST fav blogger now..have to read your blog like a daily routine. HAve a nice day!!!
what intenet were you on so slow one?
It works for me and many other people though. 🙁
Hi, what do you use to open the Vivi downloaded file?
xD i go there everytime i go back to HK 🙂 you gotta know where all the cheap places are to shop keke.
did you try those packet noodles in the argyle centre?!
suet bought it and i had one bite hahahah! the green noodle!
Hey Cheesie! <3 your hair !!
Just wanted to know, do you get the hologram glasses thing at the entrance of disneyland or you must buy them somewhere in the park?
haha they give u at the entrance! for free! 😀
ya know, pokgai in cantonese is not bankrupt. its valgurities in cantonese in case you didnt know.
I enjoy reading your blog 😀 ! But which prog should i use to open the mag scans? i can’t seem to open it. 😥
WHERE DID YOU GET THE EXTENSIONS? 🙁 luckily, I live in hk kekekeke 🙂
hi, your blog is very cool, i just discovered it, 😉
thanks for sharing with us
i wanted to ask you, since you’ve been to HK, and i guess you went on winter, and on summer, wich is the time you advice me to go to HK if my trip is about shopping, cute clothing, and sales? winter or summer? thanks for your help 🙂
So beautiful, so gorgeous, so nice…. 😈