Totally didn’t expect to get stranded in a desert :(((

Qatar airline fucked up their schedule in Berlin, and ended up landing 2 hours late in Doha, while my connecting flight back to Malaysia was 50 minutes from scheduled landing time MCH.

So nao, i’m stuck at Doha airport and have 5 hours extra to do shit i didn’t needed to. Including blogging. Ok i take that back. Blogging is not shit.

And being the opportunistic Malaysian i kinda pressed them to upgrade me to business class but no luck although it’s clearly not my fault sigh so even that little hope for a consolation is gone. Well at least i have wifi THANK GOD FOR INTERNET.

I was so mentally exhausted (totally restless throughout the 6 hours flight worrying about missing my connecting flight while the cabin crew didn’t help by not give me a clear answer) and physically tired (getting confused with all the time zones and lack of leg room T__T) i almost wanted to shoot a random camel in the humps with a bazooka. Luckily there wasn’t any humps in sight. At least not the camel ones. Or a bazooka.

And i’m super major tulan that this delay is totally messing up with my biological clock. It was just pefect if i boarded the 7:45PM flight and then i sleep 8 hours throughout and land 8AM in KLIA and start a new day afresh. Nao i have to fly to Singapore then transit again by the time i reach home will be like late evening and getting super jetlag FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU.jpg

Anyway i shall stop being upset and be awesome instead (thank you Barney).  Which is why i am blogging nao. IN THE MIDDLE OF A DESERT. You are totally welcome.

Anyway here are some last random pictures i took in Berlin, which is a good time to post nao because i probably never will if i don’t nao due to laziness. Always happens. Also because this is kind of a post that don’t really fit anywhere. Well maybe Cheese-Offs.



This is where Micha told me Run Lola Run was filmed (one of the locations). Dunno true anot also wtf.



Then we had what i deemed gave pizza a new definition wtf.  Seriously if this is what pizza is like i will gladly have it replace McDelivery forever.



Dolci Misti dessert platter for 5 Euro. There was tiramisu, chocolate mousse, rasberry panna cotta and creme caramel omg i love you so much Italy. Oh wait.



Also went up to Berliner Fernsehturm aka the TV tower, THE building in Berlin.



View from the tower.



Of course also the remaining stretch of the Berlin Wall—East Side Gallery.





I had to read it 5 times and still didn’t understand it. *blonde

Hmm obviously i’m talking about the German phrase. Ahehhaahehe *yaomingface.jpg





This is a strange one and there are many nasty troll doodles in Chinese about it.





WTF I SWEAR I SAW HIM BLINK FROM AFAR.  Like his eyes were open but when i walked closer he closed his eyes (?!?!?!?)

Ok i’m totally making that up.

(I wish i was)



Obviously zombie slogan.



Some night scenery. Just to show off my new camera.





This was today!! It was the coldest day ever and foggy as hell. I bet you can see even better in hell.



This is, err, a lake. The black dots are, err, ducks.



Seriously the weather was so bad you couldn’t see any shit. Like literally. I almost stepped on a pile.



Most likely from this dog.



Wait that’s a lion not a dog.

Before i left for the airport Micha was like, well, you will not FOG-get this.

I thought for awhile *kiasu* and went, well, i most definitely will not MISTY weather.



Oh you guys must totally check out my sideway Domokun-looking flag in the comment.

PS: All pictures above taken using my awesome Olympus PEN mini!
