So we finally moved in to our new place!
As soon as we came back from Japan there were a million things to take care of, i was occupied to a new level i never thought i was possible to reach, especially 8 months pregnant.
And actually lost weight for moving around so much.
Our entire life in cartons.
So after one week of crazy packing we finally made the big move. There isn’t even much furniture cuz we were in such a hurry to move in first.
I was also totally oblivious to the whole Chinese Pantang thing (until someone reminded me about it and i was like oh yea hor), where you cannot move house when you are pregnant. Wait, not just cannot move house, but if i remember correctly you are not allowed to move any furniture or even decorate your bedroom wall or something like that. Every time i told the danna about all these Chinese superstitions he will just look at me like this
There is practically no taboos i haven’t broken yet, honestly. During these 8 months i have seen through and helped construction of a shop, did major renovations, move house (no, no select auspicious date and hire lion dance), went to a funeral, drink shit loads of soya bean (yesterday a confinement aunty just warned me not to drink soy bean because it will be bad for my son’s balls. Serious.) etc etc etc etc etc. So i hope i don’t end up giving birth to a small bear wtf. If all the pantang/taboos are true.
Which one of those did you new mamas follow or break?
To save money the danna DIY most of the things. Our shoe rack made from scratch. I wonder what other hidden talent he hasn’t told me about!! (Also i swear he has more shoes than me.)
I am of course in charged of the wardrobe. Haven’t even got a mirror for #ootd T__T
Oh worth mentioning is this rice cooker we bought from Japan. BEST SHOPPING EVER.
This is our happiness every day.
Also don’t have curtains yet lolol. But woke up 7am in the morning and saw sunrise. Feeling very blissful!
Anyway i’ll update again when we really properly settle down (probably neverrrrrrrr oh my god time to create a baby space and oh my god i totally forgot we are having a new human sooooon). And my brain is not really functioning properly recently.
This is where i found my phone this morning after searching for it for half an hour.
have a good rest 🙂 just make sure u are happy, u will have a happy baby too! nnbtw shoe rack so cool lo
Congratulations on the pregnancy and all the best! While I was pregnant with both kids, I broke almost all rules, except I didn’t eat raw stuff cos I was outnumbered! Happy for you that you have supportive hubby. Wishing you happy pregnancy
Doctor advise its better to stay away or drink less soya bean if ur preggers with a boy as it contains estrogens . Thats all I know 🙂
In the fridge?!?!?!?! HAHA! 😀
Ah yes, I’ve put my phone in strange places too! Good luck with settling in and all. ^__^nn
Hey cheesie! From what i know, soya bean has a chemical that mimics oestrogen, and is not good in excessive amounts for grown men too! You may want to do some research on that 🙂 And congrats on ur new home!!!
I loveeeee your shoe rack lo. I can’t wait to try out something like that soon 😀
I am pregnant 36th week today! I don’t really follow whatever pantang old people might have mentioned to me long time ago. & yes, I attended funeral, and also moving furniture to create space for baby stuff, ate lotsa pineapples, do houseworks like scrubbing the toilet floor getting ready for guests during confinement later(i know I am just getting ready before I totally cannot move). Oh and my 1 year plus daughter kept climbing my stomach, I think my second pregnancy I really do suffer quite abit! lol.
Hi Cheesie! Super excited for your new home and upcoming baby! lol. I think I’ve been reading about all your major milestones in life for years now! Really excited for you! Do have a good rest after you’ve moved and just take in all that’s happening right now! Your first child, loving husband and a new home 🙂 Wishing all the best for you and your baby <3
Hope you enjoy your new house. God bless you there
that shoe rack look sso creative ~~~ OOHHH n i have the same rice cooker! hahhaha i love it too! i love it so much hahaha nnxo
Wow he’s creative. The shoe rack is like art.
Wooaahh.. so fast 8 months d O.O nnhow can you be less than 45kg when you’re 8 months pregnant?? O.o nnbut anyways, love to read your Personal blogggggg… i mean.. you write more about yourself kinda post 😉
Feet!!!nnYou have a beautiful view from your window. Sweeping…..
I think I’m gonna lose more weight cuz just found out I’m borderline diabetic and doctor banned me from eating anything sweet/carby
Awesome right!!
Thank you!
Thank you so much!!! 😀
Oh my! Soon soon!!!!!! Congrats to you and excited for you!!! 😀
Haha do show me!
Thanks!! 😀
Hahah not the first time :X
Outnumbered lolol. Happens!
Yes!!! 😀
Really? You can’t drink soya bean when you’re having a boy? But I drank lots during my first boy’s pregnancy and now that i’m pregnant with my second boy I was told to drink more so my baby’s gonna have fairer skin.
And my first boy’s in perfect health. 🙂
i m 30 weeks pregnant and my two poodle boys just decided that they need more attention from me and peed on my mattress, and u know how old ppl said u r not suppose to move your bed/mattress during pregnancy? if i were to follow that rules, i will have to sleep on a pee soaked mattress tonite. lol. (I get the help from my maid to move the bed mattress out to the garden, so the sun could take away the pee smell)
Wah Cheesie i guess u eat a lot and you every time also post yummy food photos but you maintain not over weight. Me so cham one T_T 32 weeks pregnant (twins & pre-term) i gained up to 18kg, after delivery (11-3-2014) i can only see my pre-pregnant clothes but couldn’t wear them. Dunno when baru can wear. Especially the dress i bought from you, your preloved floral dress. Hope i can slowly lost weight.nTake care Cheesie 🙂