Im so lucky i have such loyal disciples.
First i have my most loyal Ringoism follower cum Ringoism Community Secretary Mozzerelly Chingy. She practices cheesy terms every single day, praises, curses and swears using the given imaginary set of Cheesilizing tools.
Whereas my 2nd loyal disciple Mozzerictor Barry has now transferred to Singapore. Yet he never fails to remind himself of communicating with cheese every day. And the good quality about him is, he always holds tight on the 7 commandments of Ringoism.
Cheddarina Ichigo, my relatively new disciple, has been improving tremendously. I can tell that she constantly upgrades her cheesability at every single opportunity she gets. She opted to ditch all conventional mooncakes during this Mooncake festival, and ate only cheese-based mooncakes. (Note that it was done entirely on her own willingness without any coercion from the Ringoism community.) Kudos!
Well lately i spotted one cheesable talent too. Well he is very receptive but doesnt seem too keen on the Ringoistic stuffs.
Here are what we cheesed about:
Links @ says:
it must have brought you a lot of protein (friends)
cheesillicious says:
im diagnose with protaneizeia
cheesillicious says:
which is too high of protein
Links @ says:
what’s the cure?
Links @ says:
more complex carbohydrates?
cheesillicious says:
hahha… yet to figure out
Links @ says:
i actually have a PhD in molecular protein, and so if you want me to do some tests on you, I’m willing…
cheesillicious says:
it is okay. i believe cheesiology will bring the problem to an end
cheesillicious says:
im working hard in my lab now
Links @ says:
maybe we should pool our resources
Links @ says:
or do you insist on being the one to make the discoveries?
cheesillicious says:
it is contagious
cheesillicious says:
dont wanna risk infecting to innocent ppl
Links @ says:
im glad you worry for me, and of course, you are right. I couldn’t risk cross-contamination
Links @ says:
how is m-sia at the mo?
Links @ says:
cheesillicious says:
Links @ says:
id love to swap you for grey london
Links @ says:
ur cheese must be melting faster than you can eat it
cheesillicious says:
ther’s a smart creation in this world called “refrigerator”.
Links @ says:
what is this invention of which you speak? is this some sort of witchcraft?
cheesillicious says:
nah… it is using a kind of magical power call the “electric” which is transmited from a tiny plastic rope to an gigantic iron box
Links @ says:
what does this have to do with cheese? I am confused….I know that Asia has some of the most advanced technology in the world, but nothing on this level….
Links @ says:
I must warn the English authorities….and tell them to prepare for an invasion
cheesillicious says:
no worries. it is user friendly. we dont use it for war. it is purely for cheesiology purpose in the lab.
Links @ says:
you are such a wonderful nation! one day i will come to m-sia and kiss your
Links @ says:
cheesillicious says:
im afraid u cant
cheesillicious says:
unless u have will power strong enuf to withold ur desire not to bite or swallow it
Links @ says:
i know it would be a test of my faith….i shall obviously need to train myself thoroughly for a period of 14 years
cheesillicious says:
yes. how disciplined of you.
Links @ says:
some things are worth it.
Links @ says:
did you read my article about China?
Links @ says:
i think you would be interested in how it relates to your research
cheesillicious says:
nope. would like to.
Links @ says:
Links @ says:
cheese it
cheesillicious says:
will cheese.
Cheeses! Im amazed at my extraordinary crappiness!