Reading time: 11 min
It’s 2019! Here’s a little recount of events of my journey with Cheesiepetit of the entire year of 2018. I spent one whole day scrolling through the photos feeling all nostalgic. They have grown so much in just one year! (Take note of Junya and Sakura’s hair hahaha.) Also, can you believe it? I have over 50,000 photos and videos stored in my phone!!
Continue readingHello! Today Junya turns 4 years and a half, and Sakura turns 2 years 7 months.
This isn’t a real post because well… I was away for work more than 2 weeks out of a month. Which makes this post less than half legit.
Continue readingHello! Today Junya turns 4 years and 5 months old, and Sakura turns 2 years and a half (!!!)
I have been out of home for almost who whole weeks now traveling for work so I haven’t been really spending time with the kids T_T. I am only getting updates and photos from my mom who is helping me to take care of them now.
Continue readingHello! Today Junya turns 4 years and 4 months old, and Sakura turns 2 years and 5 months old.
Hello! Today Junya turns 4 years and 3 months old, and Sakura turns 2 years and 4 months old.
With full force! And more! Hahaha.
Many people ask me how I balance my work, family, personal time, social life, etc. I say, WHAT BALANCE? Actually, F balance. There’s no such thing as balance. You just do it until you cannot, then go batshit crazy for a while, and then come back again stronger. That’s how you do it.
Anyway, all my batshit has been relieved. I am back now. Better and stronger.
This is another cheat post because I think I’m losing my mojo a bit lately haha.
Plus I wrote one fake post PLUS a real, long post last month that isn’t about unicorn cupcakes and donut floats, so I think it’s ok. 😀
Here are the old posts you can read instead of this one.
Continue readingBecause the previous post was a Cheat One™.
Hi. I’m back.
Here’s the account of @cheesiepetit in the past month. I finally had some time sanity to sit down and pen my thoughts.
Today Junya turns 47 months old and Sakura turns 2 years old.
It’s been 4 whole years of logging their monthly milestones and update.
Continue readingJunya turns 46 months today and Sakura is 23 months old!
For the past whole month we have been… traveling!! This is probably the first time for our family to travel non stop for an entire month… and counting! By the time we return to Singapore, it will be two full months of away from home.
Continue reading
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