Reading time: 3 min
I had short hair all my life, until i graduated Form 5, that was the biggest bodily freedom i’ve ever gained.
And then i tried to keep long hair all my life.
But i cut it last week, although it’s still considered long hair, it was the boldest hair decision i’ve ever made, on my own will.
A lot of you probably won’t relate to this because i was from Chinese school and was not allowed to have fringe longer than my eyebrow, or hair that touches my collar. (Do they still do that nowadays???) I tried to keep it long and escape the prefect “hair & nail check”, but sometimes i get caught, then i was asked to stand aside and wait until the guru discipline to come with a big cloth scissors and cut it until like 狗咬的 (dog bitten). T____T Although nowadays that is probably considered avant garde. read more
First of all i want to apologize for spamming food pictures in puasa month. I’m writing this after buka puasa today except i cannot really control the timing you read this, so sorry T__T.
Anyway, after part I, i had another week in Japan so this is part II of it!
Also i received a lot of requests for my fav food guide in Tokyo. I can’t possible recommend all my favorite food because it will take years. Here’s a mini one! It’s listed by food category.
1. Ramen
Want to know my favorite Ramen shop?? read more
Hello this is a post of all the make-up matched with the coordinates in my previous post.
I tried some really drastically different fashion style every day this time, so i also did the make up styles a little different from the usual so i thought i’d share too!
Make 1
Minimal make up with pink lips and cheeks
Make 2
Twin tails with Cherry lips
Make 3
Soft pastel shadow and brows and nude lips.
Make 4
This one went a bit overboard lol, top and bottom falsies read more
So i want you think of this one person in this world whom you admire very much and would dream of meeting one day before you die. (Except me. Me doesn’t count.) (Joke. Sorry.)
You can also go to a new browser and google image this person.
And then now imagine him/her standing in front of you. In real life. Speaking to you.
That’s how i felt the night i met Nakata Yasutaka.
Except i hope you didn’t pick Audrey Hepburn or Elvis Presley. That would have been a bit creepy and that would not have correctly portrayed how i felt. read more
Hello i’m back home! 😀
Here are some coordinate pictures during my 2-week trip in Japan this July! It’s getting incredibly hot (as hot, if not hotter than Malaysia), and TV news says that it’s one of the hottest summers in years.
I also got tanner because i walked so much outdooe! It’s incredible how the Japanese people really put effort into saving energy, in our apartment the danna set the aircon at 26. But when i watched the TV, a survey says that most families in Japan set their aircon at 28C and above D: D: D:. Then the danna condemned me for always setting it at 19C in Malaysia lol. read more
is probably the most asked questions in my mail box, after “where can i buy that pair of shoes?”
If you have done all to write interesting content, put effort into making your blog presentable and all you need is a little push of luck, you may want to consider winning an award? 😀
This blog made the NAPBAS Best Fashion Blog in 2011, and i must say it has opened many doors to new opportunities, fame and $$$!
Maybe indirectly also helped me find a husband wahahaa.
So did you join the DiGi WWWOW Internet For All Awards? read more
Today is the danna’s birthday, we decided to go for something simple, so we went to his favorite Okinawan restaurant.
It’s an old, narrow little izakaya in Shibuya.
And here’s what we had:
Okinawa Shikuwasa juice. No, the owner isn’t that stingy lol. I almost finished drinking it before i realized i haven’t had a picture of this yummy fruit juice.
Salted cucumber.
Stir fried Goya Champuru (bitter gourd) with tofu and egg.
Stir fried stomach with leek and mushroom read more
Spring edition HERE
My foodie group chat friends on Whatsapp hate me so much right now because i keep sending them (on purpose) food picture i have for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
This is their response.
Since they don’t layan me now, i will just share these pictures with you all la.
Here are the food i had during the first week of my stay in Tokyo here!
(Yes i ate them all. No i haven’t gained weight.)
Nagasaki Chanpon
Just had this for dinner today! It’s a Nagasaki version of ramen and it’s super healthy (25 types of different vegetables in a bowl!) read more
Hi. This is not really a real blog post.
About 1-2 years ago i had a tweet that says,
“i will give one year of my life just to see Nakata Yasutaka spin live.”
It was sort of a wrong thing to ask for.
Because i think i have just used up my entire life time last night at Sound Museum VISION Tokyo.
I died.
Sometimes the universe answers you in different ways.
So guys, this is not really a blog post, because it’s not really written by me.
It’s written by the dead me sent to you all on this blog via phantom morse code. From World of Fantasy. read more
I am in Japan now!! You can follow me on Instargram (@cheeserland) if you want live updates, but here’s a conversation i had with a friend earlier, along with a shocking confession:
Friend: Hi i am coming by to clean your house tonight.
Me: Oh that’s so nice of you, i’ll do the same some day soon.
Friend: By the way i got really broke after moving into my new place. I’m considering cleaning people’s houses for a living.
Me: That doesn’t sound like a bad idea at all. You earn shit but you gotta do what you gotta do. read more
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