I just realized that once your baby turns 1, you start to do less of those new mommy things. I am doing less kyaraben, record less videos… i don’t even have an opening pictures for this post.
Sorry JunJun your prime time is over lolol.
So… my baby turns 13 months old today!
(Also read 1st month , 2nd month , 3rd month , 4th month , 5th month , 6th month , 7th month, 8th month, 9th month , 10th month , 11th month and 12th month here.)
I am not sure how long i want to write this monthly thing for, but i think it would be fun to look back at all these entries, and think omg Junya, you were once a baby!!!!! Hahaha.
So here’s what happened in the past month!
For Baby
1. Baby graduation
So yea, my baby can officially walk. On his own. Which makes him graduate to a toddler now. He still wants to hold my hand so that he can walk reeeeeal fast, but i’m already dreading the day he just breaks free and 甩掉我的手 and says “mom, please, i can walk.” T____T.
He also graduated from crawling. Before we came back to Malaysia he would still crawl if he wants to get to a place real fast.Now he just walk walk walk walk walk walk zombieing his way around with his hands still stretched out in front lolol.
Junya can go shopping now!!!
Junya’s first stroll was in Hawaii!!! With papa and mama ❤︎
2. First words
Sometimes i thought my baby could speak German. Things he says are “arghcht”, “schweiss”, “fleisch”, etc. But what are his real first words?
You know how parents always have this jealousy over baby’s first word, whether it will be “papa” or “mama”.
Junya’s first word was “baaba“. Ok la my husband will be very very happy if he was Chinese. But he is not. And Baaba in Japanese means Granny. So… XD
Junya now can say “maama” or “mammmma“. But sometimes he would look at the danna and says “maama“. So… I guess it doesn’t count yet lolol. He also can try to say “cat”, “lamp”, “kitty”… or so i thought.
3. Catch, hide and seek
He now will sendiri run away and expects me to catch him -___-. When i walk towards him he would suddenly just do a U turn and giggle while staggering away awkwardly, and i am supposed to pretend to slow-mo run after him and catch him lolol.
He also enjoys “seeking”, where i would “hide” behind the curtain (totally see-through and feet-showing lol) and he would find me and squeals. XD
He will also chase Champon with a broom like a 扫把星 lolol.
4. Fever
He developed fever twice last month! Once when we first arrived in Hawaii and then after his 1-year-old vaccination. Both were low grade and faded after a few hours, really thankful it wasn’t so serious!
5. Weight
But he is still not gaining weight T_____T.
Every other baby is heavier than him now including babies aged 4 months -_-. I asked the PED repeatedly because he is also having really loose stools everyday and i was shocked so see how much undigested bits came out from his poo. Is he not absorbing anything he eats?! What i give him carrots for if it comes out exactly the same sate?! How to make him have solid poo?! Haih.
His height growth is well within the curve so the PED just says we will monitor for a while more.
6. Eating
He is horrible with eating again -_-
He won’t eat any carbs other than rice. And udon. He loooooves udon. Quinoa is ok. He hates bread. And pasta. Instant spit out -_-. Yesterday he just wasted my whole bowl of mentaiko fusilli Grrrrr! *flips table* But i think maybe he doesn’t like the texture of bread and macaroni. That or he is just really, really Asian lol.
He also doesn’t eat anything sweet omg. He doesn’t take any snacks (none of those baby biscuit/cookie/senbei/boro/wafer i bought fit his standards -___-) and it’s so hard to get him to eat fruits. Unless i hide it in his yogurt.
Also, he doesn’t want to use his own fork and spoon. *flips table* (He flip, not me this time lolol)
He wants to use chopsticks. He wants us to use chopsticks to feed him.
If you feed him with a spoon he just turns his face away disgustedly. But if you show up with food be tween chopsticks his moht will go O shape -_-.
Ok lo.
Also, he is finally using a sippy straw cup to drink because he finally re-learnt how to use a straw.
He mastered it at 6months because i got him many of those baby mugi tea and juices in a mini box in Japan
But come back to KL, i stopped giving him and he just forgot how to use a straw. -___-
For Mama
Having stayed in Japan for a month with Junya made me re-think many things.
Back home we actually hired a helper, because i didn’t trust myself that i could handle all these new mummy duties. And i didn’t really announce it publicly because it made me feel embarrassed and guilty, that it makes me feel like an incompetent mom. If Japanese moms can all do it why i cannot??? I know there’s nothing wrong with it and many mothers do the same thing or wish that they could do the same thing… but, one month of traveling made me realize that there’s nothing i cannot do myself.
Really! I feel that once you have become a mom, there’s nothing you cannot do. (For the baby la. Not jumping off a plane. Unless it is for the baby too hahaha.) The problem is just if you feel like doing it or not.
Sure, sometimes the dishes will have to pile up, the dirty laundry overflows to the living room sofa, you will accidentally throw your camera into the washing machine (true story), and you will have to bring your baby to every meeting… And your house will look like this, all the time:
But i enjoyed that lifestyle so much more. It felt more like real family. But it could also be Japan. Hahaha so i don’t know.
I have been reducing work recently and stay home more, because i think that is the best job ever. To be a mom lolol. I know it sounds very unambitious as most of the mothers i know want to achieve more in life and be more successful, and maybe 3 years later i will change my mind again… But right now, my career success means having more food eaten on the table and less thrown on the floor lolol. And to actually have my husband tell me “today’s bento was good!“. (So far it hasn’t happened even once LOLOL so it is my new life goal now.)
Anyway, today is also the danna’s birthday. I just want to thank him for not only accepting who i am (including my borderline inedible bentos), but inspiring me to become who i want to be.
I don’t want to be the best mom in the world (because every mom thinks that she is), but i just want to be the best mom Junya can ever have.
Cheesie, I really love your blog posts and I hope you’ll never stop updating us about your life! I believe you’re already doing an awesome job both as a mum and a wife. Your cooking always look super yummy and I hope you can impress your ‘god tongue’ danna someday too!
LOLOL you remembered! Yes i hope my cooking would be God-Tongue-Approved 😛
The part on being a “Asian baby” reminded me of fourfeetnine’s baby fighter! XD
I guess most asian babies are truly asian lolol
Hey Cheesie!
That part about your suspicions of Junya being German is so funny …and I really wonder why he would care whether he gets his food from chopsticks or a spoon, srsly wtf…
Btw I am in Malaysia for the first time in my life! So super weird to always read your blog and then suddenly walking past number 76 in star hill gallery today 😮 Kuala Lumpur is soooo nice! If you have any recommendations for things to go see/places to eat, please share 🙂
omg!! What are you here for??? I’d like to meet you again!! 😀
I am travelling through Malaysia with my boyfriend (we’re in Penang now, going to the perhentian islands tomorrow) because it was a good chance for us to go see this side of the world because I will be studying at NUS in Singapore for a few months from August on 😀 .
I didn’t text you when I was in KL cuz I didn’t want to bother you ^^;;;
Hi cheesie, does Junya sleep through the night already? If he does, may u share how to sleep train him? I remember once u said that u let him cry it out. Is it work?
Actually no T___T. I think it is because i am still nursing him at night (sleeping next to him) and it becomes a bad habit. He would wake up middle of the night without fail to look for me -___-
Cheesie, you are the best mom Junya could ever have! You are my idol! Seriously, I’ve so much to learn from you! Ganbatte!!
you will be an awesome one too!!!!!!!! 😀
Happy birthday to Danna + Happy 13 month to Junya!!
I know you can do it Cheesie! Junya will be so proud to have you as his mama! 😀
thank youuuu :))
Hi Cheesie, I love reading your blog as I can totally relate to you and expect what might come for me. Mine is 2 months younger that yours 🙂
My baby is having similar spoon rejection syndrome. He prefers hand or chopsticks feeding than spoon. Haha. Truly kampung style.
Also my current ambition is to have my baby gain weight and cook delicious dishes for the family 🙂 I guess it’s just the season we’re currently in and the best thing in life is to be able to enjoy our season rite 🙂
Can I know how much Junya weight now? As mine is having similar issue.
he is barely 8KG now T_____T
Don’t say that you are not ambitious because you want to be a stay at home mum! it is actually a very ambitious thought, mother is the toughest job on the planet, no pay no off time and yet people still expect everything from you because ‘you are not working’! which is so not true… mother works 24 hrs a day! mama jia you!
xie xie!!! which reminded me of this video i watched earlier: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HB3xM93rXbY
Don’t worry, Cheesie. My 20 and 15 year old STILL don’t eat bread! And Danial was so skinny we thought he had worms (I must show you how skinny!) and so we fed him fresh milk (yup, every Tuesday 10 boxes flown in by ANA) and NOW I REGRET! Cause he put on weight after 2 years old and IT WON’T GO AWAY til NOW!!!! At least Junya is not a spitter. D was such a spitter that we thought that there was something wrong with his esophagus. We cannot even walk by a banana counter and out goes whatever was breakfast, lunch or dinner.
By the way, I was the ONLY mother at parties that got handed the candy bags cause “Sweets taste vile, Mama). The good part – they never had tooth decay til now lol!
Oh, they don’t eat cake either so we have birthday steak with a candle on top!
Your family is so funny!!! lolol. It’s really good to know, thank you so much for sharing 🙂
And birthday steak is a GREAT idea lol.
I love reading your blog esp those posts relating to junya. I have a 10 month young baby boy and I enjoy reading your experience as a mama.
Hi cheesie.. i remember sometime back u mentioned junya doesnt want bottle. Can i know how u make him drinking milk from bottle?